お金を引き出すことができず、さまざまな理由で預金を要求し続けました、それを行った後に引き出すことができるように私の利益を75万に累積するように最初に言われたとき、彼らは引き出し、技術、そして早期に元本を取り戻すために別の預金をするように頼みました今月は、アカウントで得られた利益と一緒に。 X Spot Marketsは電子メールへの返信を停止し、それが完全に彼ら次第だったとしたら、私は立ち往生していたでしょう。

kept requesting to make deposits
Unable to withdraw money, kept requesting deposit for various reasons, the first time I was told to accumulate my profits to 750,000 to be able to withdraw after doing that, they asked to make another deposit in order to withdraw, tech and got principal back early this month along with the profits made on the account. X Spot Markets stopped replying to emails and would have left me stranded if it were completely up to them.