私は、非常に残念な経験がありました。2020年12月に彼らのことを聞き、取引口座に71000元(約8000ポンド)の初期預金を行い、良い利益を得ました。興味を持ち、さらに90000人民元(10000ポンド)を入金しました。クリスマスの後、引き出しをしようとしましたが、拒否されました。私はサポートのChrisさんに連絡を取ったが、彼は出金が年末のシステムアップグレードのために少し遅れたと主張しました。先週まで自分のお金が使えず、クレームにも対応してくれませんでした。多くのトレーダーのように、専門家を技術的に扱い、彼らは私の見越額を含めて私のお金を得ることができました。DMM FXのおかげで、家族と一緒に休暇を楽しむことができませんでした。他の投資家にDMM FXに近づかないよう勧めます。

Unable to Withdraw from DMM FX
My experience with this company has been quite unfortunate. I heard about them in December 2020 when i made an initial deposit of CNY 71000 (about £8000) into my trading account which yielded good profits. I became more interested and made another CNY 90000 (£10000) to make better returns. Late last year, after Christmas, i tried to make a withdrawal which was denied. I reached out to Chris from their support who claimed withdrawals were a bit delayed due to an End of year system upgrade. Up till Last week, i didn't have access to my money and they stopped responding to my complaints. Like many other traders i spoke to, tech some sort of experts and they were able to get my money including my accruals. This awful situation with DMM FX prevented me from enjoying the holidays with my family as i would have loved but i learnt a key lesson, Always test the waters before committing. I implore other investors to stay clear of DMM FX, they have nothing to offer.