口座開設手数料や引き出し手数料はないかと聞いたところ、ないという回答があったのを覚えています。それから私はお金を引き出すことになっていたが、彼らは私がそうすることができる前に私が前もってサービス料金を払わなければならないであろうと私に知らせた。何度も行ったり来たりして料金を払ったのですが、保険料の問題が発生したとき、保険料を払えば返済できる保証がないことを知りました。私の苦情がAssetsClaimBackに向けられた後、彼らは私の投資を私の財布に直接預けました。 Opsontechfxは避ける必要があります。私は口座にたくさんのお金を持っていて、彼らがそれを手に入れていたらそれをすべて失っていただろう。

Changing names to scam us all over again.
I recall inquiring if there were any account opening or withdrawal fees, to which they replied that there were none. Then I was supposed to withdraw my money, but they informed me that I would have to pay a service fee up front before I could do so. After much back and forth, I paid the fee, but when the issue of the insurance fee arose, I knew there was no assurance I would receive my money back from them if I paid the insurance fee. They had my investment deposited directly into my wallet after my complaints were directed to AssetsClaimBack. Opsontechfx should be avoided. I had a lot of money in the account and would have lost it all if they had gotten their hands on it.