私はオンラインの友人からGTI市場に紹介され、登録して預金をしました。最初の入金と出金は迅速でしたが、2回目に出金を試みたとき、出金のために20%の税金を支払うように求められました。要求通りにお金を払った後、カスタマーサービスから、支払った金額が間違っていて、もう一度支払う必要があり、72時間以内に税金を支払わないと、お金を引き出すことができないと言われました。しかし、AssetsClaimBack / comによって承認された集団訴訟の結果、私の資金は返還されました。これは明らかにGTIマーケットから離れた詐欺です

I need to pay tax in 72hours to withdraw.
I was introduced to GTI markets by an online friend and registered and made a deposit. The first deposit and withdrawal were fast, but the second time I tried to withdrew money i was asked to pay 20% tax in order to withdraw my money. After i paid the money as requested, customer service said that the amount i paid was incorrect and i needed to pay again, and that if i don’t pay the tax within 72 hours, i would not be able to withdraw my money. However, a class action lawsuit approved by AssetsClaimBack/ com resulted in my funds being returned. This is obviously a scam stay away from GTI Markets