私はお金を引き出したかっただけですが、実際の解決策が見えずに一連のやり取りが行われました。 FVP Trade から $68,000 の投資を得ることができる唯一の方法 ブローカーの嘘と欺瞞に本当に腹を立てていたので、FVP Trade を避けることをお勧めします。

Deceptive platform
I just wanted to withdraw my money but I was taken through series of back and forth with no actual solution in sight, companies like this will take your money and never give it back unless you seek professional assistance that was fintrack/ org orchestrated which was the only way I could get my investment of $68,000 out of FVP Trade I was really upset with the broker's lies and deceit which is why my recommendation is to avoid FVP Trade.