私はこのブローカーとのいかなる形態の取引にも絶対に反対することをお勧めします.1か月以上にわたって$ 49,000の元本を取り出そうとしました. org aided は資金の返還に屈しました。私はシングルマザーで、完全に遊んでいて、道徳に導かれていないことを伝えるために、このブローカーにだまされる寸前でした.

I will not recommend this broker
i would absolutely advice against any form of dealing with this broker, i tried to withdraw my principal of $49,000 for over a month because my account was blocked on the basis of irregular trading which was false so the class action fintrack. org aided gave in to the return of funds. I was a single mom, completely played and on the verge of getting duped by this broker which is to tell you they are not guided by morals.