出金するために、Graphene Fx は多額の料金を請求します。彼らは税金を支払うために郵便物を送り、私のお金をすべて返すと約束します。私は料金を支払いましたが、彼らから一銭も受け取っていません。私は、Assetsclaimback/com を通じて法的措置を取るに至ったすべての証拠を持っており、Graphene は約 102,000 ドルを奪い、私との関係を断ち切りました。すべてが失われたように見え、私はのろわれました。

It is a fraud site
In order for us to withdraw, Graphene Fx charges a lot of money. They send mail to pay tax fees and promise to pay back all of my money. I paid the fees but never received a penny from them. I have all the evidence that led to my taking legal action through Assetsclaimback/ com, and Graphene made off with almost $102,000 and disconnected me. All seemed lost, and I was damned.