肝心なのは、このブローカーには適切な規制がなく、私のような投資家から盗むことだけを望んでいるということです. SAEN に直接行ったが、間違った情報に基づいて拒否されたため、証拠金を支払って修正しましたが、出金することができませんでした。そのため、別の場所で解決する必要があります。

They initially refused to release my investment
The bottom line is that this broker has no proper regulation and only wants to steal from investors like myself but I followed the money and had cases lodged with various fraud regulatory bodies inclusive of fintrack/ org for which reason the investment was released The first 2 requests I made directly to SAEN were refused on the basis of wrong information so I paid a margin fee to modify it but still couldn't get access to withdraw which was why is ought solution elsewhere.