3 月に、私は Assetsclaimback Advisory の私的調査の分野に参加する機会を与えられました。私はすべてのお金を失った可能性があるため、SHD ファイナンスを使用することは愚かな時間の無駄でした。彼らがどれほど不誠実であるかを私に明らかにするまで、私は彼らが信頼できる会社だと正直に思っていました.苦労して稼いだお金を彼らに与えることさえ考えないでください。これらの詐欺師は、私の引き出し要求を処理するために支払いを次々と要求し続け、私が支払いを行うたびに、彼らは私が何度もお金を払わなければならない新しい理由を考え出します.罪のない被害者を騙し続けながら、彼らには共感がありません。

scam exposure
In March I was given the opportunity to join the field of private investigation with Assetsclaimback Advisory I may have lost all of my money, thus using SHD finance was a foolish waste of time. Up until they revealed to me how dishonest they are, I honestly thought they were a reliable company, before I could properly take my money back from my account, which totalled over $79,000 did a lot of investigation . Do not even think of giving them any of your hard-earned money. Thos scammers keep requesting payment after payment to process my withdrawal requests, and each time i make a payment, they will come up with a new reason why i should pay mlre money. They have no empathy while continuing scamming innocent victims.