私は良い利益を上げて約2回引き出しましたが、3回目には利益を引き出すことができず、IDFパワーに連絡して税金を支払うように言われましたが、学費をすべて預け入れており、残っていません税金を支払うお金 税金を払わなければなりませんか??預金から税金を差し引くことはできませんか [d83e][dd79][d83e][dd79]

i have mistakely press solve to my previous post
I have made a good profit and withdraw about 2 times but at the third time i am unable to withdraw my profit and i have contact to idf power the told me to pay a tax but i have deposit all my school fees and i havent remain any money to pay a tax shoul i have to pay a tax ?? Does tax cannot deducted from our deposite [d83e][dd79][d83e][dd79]