計劃中的R3500最低虧損轉為R43500虧損FGM不遵循自己的政策,他們招募了經驗不足的交易員,並利用自己的專業技能欺騙並說服他們在獲得最低存款後增加了資本,假裝這對新交易者來說是“有利的”頭寸“受保護” [3b],但是您最終失去了一切,Sulav cs與我聯繫,並將我也交給了Peter。我給他們發送了一封有關我的經歷的電子郵件,但他們視我為無所謂。

pressurised into more money
planned R3500 minimum turned to R43500 loss FGM does not follow their own policy, they recruite unexperienced traders and use their profetional skills deceiving and convinsing them to increase their capital after a minimum deposit is recieved in pretense it's "advantageous" for new traders as positions are "protected"[3b] however you endup loosing it all, Sulav c.s contacted me and handed me to Peter also c.s,I sent them an email about my experience but they ignored me as if I did not matter.