他們采用欺騙性的方法使我以為自己獲得了高額利潤,然后欺騙我,通過聲稱我違反了規則,需要支付保證金或稅款,結算時增加傭金這些手段騙我存入更多的錢。在 的網站上,我注意到有幾次突然出現急劇上升和下降曲線的異常現象,這些情況導致交易軟件出現嚴重滑點。

Deceptive platform
They adopted a deceptive method that made me see their high profits, and then deceived me into depositing more money by claiming violation of rules, payment of margins or taxes, increased commissions at the time of settlement, On the X Spot Markets website, I have noticed a few times when there was a sudden abnormal phenomenon of sharp rise and fall curve that has caused serious slippage of their software.