我在1月14日申請了第三次提款,并在同一天收到提款電子郵件,但是直到幾周后我寫信給financialrecovery.tech并退款后,我才收到這筆資金。FXDD GLOBAL最初拒絕了我的提款請求并扣留了我的利潤,然后我的帳戶被迫清算。我第二次贏利,但是以錯誤的杠桿設置為借口,這一切都被擱置了,所以我認為第三次會很吸引人,但事實并非如此,所以我拒絕再與他們合作。

refused withdrawal
FXDD Global initially refused my withdrawal request and withheld my profits, then my account was forced into liquidation. I made profits the second time, but it was all withheld with the excuse of wrong leverage setting so i thought the third time would be a charm but it wasn't so i refused to take any more chances with them.