他們的一些代理人是騙子。他們的代理人蘇珊告訴我,我的出金款項會原路退回。在那次提款中,20 美元是通過網上銀行存入的,而 30 美元是通過萬事達卡存入的。但是,danai 告訴我,我的所有提款都已退回到我的萬事達卡中。他們正在使簡單的問題變得更難,因為通過網上銀行取款將在不到一小時內完成,但通過萬事達卡會超過 3 天。他們非常不公平。

liar agents
some of their agents are liars. their sgent susan told me that my withrawal will be send to its source. In that particular withrawal, $20 was deposited thru online banking but the $30 was deposited thru mastercard. However, danai told me that all my withrawal was returned to my mastercard. they are making easy problem harder becsuse withrawal thru online banking will be finshed in less than one hour but thru mastercard would talke morethan 3 days. they are very unfair. i