在那里開設帳戶并提交所有必要和必需的文件后,我收到一封電子郵件,說要獲得批準,我必須致電IG.經過多次嘗試,我得以與一位西班牙代表交談,她提到為了獲得批準,我需要聯系先生 Pablo Castrillo。在又一次電話會議后,我終于與他交談,他提到我需要發送更多文件才能獲得批準。我面對他的回答,我已經發送了您網站要求的所有文件,他回答說“我的分析師需要更多文件”。我向他詢問有關他的分析師的信息,他拒絕透露。我發了幾封電子郵件來支持我從來沒有得到答復!!最后,我從 Pablo 那里得到了一個粗魯的回答,我把它貼在這里。最后說,IG有很多因素是騙局!

IG refuse to open account after provide the documents requested!!!
After opening an account there and submit all the necessary and required documents i received an email saying to be approved i must call IG. After many attempts, i was able to speak with a Spanish representative, and she mentions in order to be approved i need to contact the gentleman Pablo Castrillo. After another session of calls, i finally spoke with him and he mentions i need to send more documents in order to be approved. I confront him replying i have sent all the documents required by your website, to which he replied "my analyst needs more documents". I ask him for information about his analyst, he refused to disclose it. I sent several emails to support i never got an answer!! Finally, i got a rude answer from Pablo which i post here. Finally saying, IG has many factors to be a scam!