我有一個 ActiveTrades Bahamas 交易賬戶,編號為 915494。幾天前,我收到了一封來自公司的電子郵件,說我的賬戶因濫用交易和違反第 9.14 點中的客戶協議而被禁止。當我要求解釋他們如何檢測我的濫用交易時,沒有得到任何答復,他們只是提供客戶協議。我沒有在這個賬戶上使用任何套利軟件,如圖所示。

cancelled my profits.
I had a trading account with ActiveTrades Bahamas number 915494. Few days ago I have received an email from the company that my account blocked due abusive trading and violation of a client agreement in point 9.14. When I have asked for explanation how they detect my abusive trading I didn.t get any answer, they just link to customer agreement. I don’t use any arbitrage software on this account and you can see it watching on screenshot.