你好,我叫阿貝爾,來自尼日利亞。我哥哥給我介紹 IQ Option交易平臺,但他從未告訴我它是如何運作的。我注冊并開始練習模擬賬戶,幾天后我存入 20 美元開始真正的交易。但是錢存了之后就不能交易了。它不斷向我顯示交易商無法與我的服務器連接。我已經嘗試了幾天了,還是老樣子。

They scam me
Hi, my name is Abel from Nigeria. my brother introduce me to IQ option trading platform but he never told me how it works. I register and start practicing demo account, few days later I deposit $20 to start real trading. but the money was deposited, after than I could not be able to trade. it keeps showing me broker unable to connect with my sever. I have been trying this for days now and it showing same thing.