我交易了幾周后賬戶被關閉了,本以為已經出金,但Zions 銀行表示,由于使用了我個人銀行的 ABA 路由號碼,他們拒絕了轉賬,我的帳戶現在是空的,沒有人會退還我的錢。我從未想過這會發生在美國交易商。求助

IBF scam alert
I have been in contact with IBFX for several weeks trying to close down my account. I originally thought I had transferred the money from Zions bank, a bank which they use to transfer funds, Into my personal account. However I sent them my personal banks ABA number. Zions bank said they rejected the transfer due to using the ABA routing number of my personal bank. They say they do not have the money. IBFX says They do not have the money. My account is now empty and no one will refund my money. I would have never had thought this would happen with a US broker. I expect it from form cyprus bucket shop but not with a broker such as IBFX. I will scream here until I see justice and my account properly funded. IBFX you have been warned.