我是來自土耳其伊斯坦布爾的 Giuseppe Fabio Messina,我在Vantage FX交易,2 周后我試圖提取我的利潤確認成功了。我試圖提取我的第二筆支出時,他們說無法提款,最終封鎖了我的帳戶。

Unable to withdraw
Hi i am Giuseppe Fabio Messina From Turkey Istanbul and i have deposied 1k with the vantage Fx than after 2 weeks i tried to withdraw my profit just to check how withdrawal works then it was very good.Than when i tried to withdraw my 2nd payout which is 2k plus they said it will take time as its a big account but after so many times i tried to withdraw i was unable to withdraw and eventually they blocked my account.