從 2021 年 8 月 19 日開始我投資了 100 美元,8 月 20 日,我了解到交易符合回溯測試結果。帳號:20101081(ironfx ) ,資助:100 美元 ,2021 年 8 月 19 日獲利 251 美元, 2021 年 8 月 20 日收到來自ironfx 聲明我的帳戶已暫停且利潤已扣除,2021 年 8 月 20 日晚上 8:00 我才得知這一切。

ironfx denied profits
Based on all the negative feedback on Ironfx did not want take a Chance so started of with 100$ Investment 19th Aug 2021. On 20th Aug I was understanding that my EA was performing in conformance with Back Test Results.. Here is the Chronology of Events: Account Number:20101081 (IronFX) Funded: 100$ 19th Aug 2021 Profit Made 251$ 20th Aug 2021 Received Mail from IronFX stating that my account is suspended and Profits Reversed : 20th Aug 2021 8:00 PM Checked my Account and Observed that all.