我是他們的 IB 和交易員。作為HFT策略的特殊合約,有6個多月的資金鎖定期,他們說這樣可以保證利潤的提現。我盡可能地理解他們的方法和解釋。然而,在 1 月 21 日,他們在我這邊開了一個 15 手的訂單,并將操縱的價格交給我,以便對我的賬戶進行追加保證金。我要求他們收到這些訂單和正確的 LP 提供的價格手冊,但我直到現在才提供。剩余的資金也沒有提取。 l 從 15 手訂單和操縱價格中損失了 45,000 多。自這件事發生以來已經過去了一個月,但還沒有采取任何行動。我很生氣,所以我不能再相信他們了。他們只是說 LP 就是這樣,沒有給我提供明確的數據。https://t.me/realclub2 << 這是我的小組。你可以看到我的歷史和帖子。

I'm trapped in a trap. And withdrawal restrictions for 6 months.
I was their IB and trader. As a special contract for the HFT strategy, there were more than six months of locked funds, and they said that this would guarantee the withdrawal of profits. And I understood their methods and explanations as much as I could. However, on January 21st, they opened an 15lots order on my side and put the manipulated price to me to make a margin call on my account. And I asked them for the receipt of these orders and the Pricebook provided by the correct LP, but I have never provided them until now. also the remaining funds are not withdrawn. l loss 45k more from 15lot order and manipulated price. A month has passed since this happened, but there has been no action. I'm very angry.That's why I can't trust them anymore. They're just saying that LP was like that without providing me with clear data.https://t.me/realclub2 << this is my group. u can see my history and posts.