我從800美元開始交易 XTI-USD,我賺取了大約12,200美元的利潤,但是當我要求提款時,我的賬戶被交易商以濫用交易或其他所謂的指控而禁用,當追加保證金時,交易商保持沉默,至少通過電子郵件通知您的帳戶即將被追加保證金,請再次存款,但是當您獲得利潤時,您的帳戶被該經紀人停用,并且指控不明確,這不是騙局交易商嗎? ??

Scam Broker
I trade in XTI-USD start from $800, and I managed to make a profit of about $12,200, but when I request a withdrawal, my account is disabled by the broker with accusations of trading abuse or whatever it's called, when the margin call, the broker is just silent, at least notify by email that your account will be margin call soon, please make another deposit, but when you get profit, your account is deactivated by this broker with unclear accusations, is this not a scam broker????