他們試圖通過引誘我們投資他們的平臺來欺騙我們,但隨后我們的出金權就被完全剝奪了。我還注意到,當我們賺的很多時,他們不允許我們平倉,直到我們的頭寸被清空。為了從我的投資中獲利,我在 fintrack /org 的團隊中開了一個詐騙案 FSDS全球正在以像我這樣的弱勢群體為食。

the case i opened caused my investment to be returned
They tried to rip us off by luring us to invest in their platform but then our right to withdraw is completely taken away. I also noticed that they don't allow us close positions when we profit a lot, until our positions are wiped out. In an attempt to get something out of my investment i opened a scam case with the team at fintrack /org Be watchful FSDS Global is feeding on Vulnerable people like myself.