我不會讓這些罪犯再欺騙任何人。他們收到了我55000美元的匯款,但拒絕提款,并聲稱錢從未到他那里。我無法證明他們確實收到了這筆資金,我能夠通過 AssetsClaimBack 咨詢的行動撤出,但在我與他們進行有利可圖的交易后,他們不允許我取出我的錢,這太殘忍了。

SANDWIND are scammers
I'm not going to allow these criminals defraud any more people. They got deposit of my $55000 and deny me withdrawal and claimed it never reflected on their end. There was no way I could show they actually received that funds, i was able to withdraw with the action of AssetsClaimBack advisory it’s cruel that they wouldn't allow me withdraw my money after I made profitable transactions with them.