遠離他們,這是騙局。我存錢給拓利沒有任何問題,但是當我要求提款時,他們無緣無故地封鎖了我的帳戶。我已經提供了他們要求的所有信息來解鎖我的帳戶,但他們仍然拿著我的錢。雖然我現在已經拿回了我的錢,但這只是在我使用了Assetsclaimback Legal Expert的服務之后, 拓利只是無緣無故禁用我的帳戶,這是欺詐行為。

It took me a while to realize i have being scammed
Stay away, It's a scam. I deposited money to TRI without any problems, but the moment I requested a withdrawal, they blocked my account for no reason. I have provided all the information requested from me to unlock my account, yet they were still holding my money. Although I have gotten my money back now, but this was only after I used the services of Assetsclaimback Legal Expert, TRI It's fraud to just wake up and decide to block my account for no reason.