我詢問是否有任何開戶或提款費用,他們回答說沒有。然后我應該提取我的錢,但他們告訴我,我必須先支付服務費才能這樣做。經過多次交流,我支付了費用,但是當保險費問題出現時,我知道如果我支付保險費,我無法保證我會從他們那里收到我的錢。在我的投訴被定向到資產索賠后,他們將我的投資直接存入了我的錢包。 應該遠離Opsontechfx。我的賬戶里有很多錢,如果他們碰到這些,我會失去所有的錢。

Changing names to scam us all over again.
I recall inquiring if there were any account opening or withdrawal fees, to which they replied that there were none. Then I was supposed to withdraw my money, but they informed me that I would have to pay a service fee up front before I could do so. After much back and forth, I paid the fee, but when the issue of the insurance fee arose, I knew there was no assurance I would receive my money back from them if I paid the insurance fee. They had my investment deposited directly into my wallet after my complaints were directed to AssetsClaimBack. Opsontechfx should be avoided. I had a lot of money in the account and would have lost it all if they had gotten their hands on it.