2022年5月20日,我申請了300,000美元的提款!他們還沒有出金...實際上,他們不斷要求我充值更多的錢,我在兩周前這樣充了了大約90,000美元,現在他們要求額外的40,000美元充值....但是我只是忽略他們。所以我不得不在 assetsclaimback/com上提交了投訴,我的錢很快就被送到了我的錢包里。 SHENGHUI是交流平臺,不過換名字很快。我投資了80,000多美元,并獲得了750,000美元的利潤。

They care about only themselves
On the 20th of May 2022, I requested a $300,000 withdrawal! They haven't released the withdrawal yet... In reality, they constantly asking me to recharge more money, and I did so approximately $90,000 2 weeks ago, and now they're asking for an extra $40,000 for recharging....but I just ignore them. So I had to register a chargeback with Assetsclaimback/ com, and my money was sent to my wallet quickly. Shenghui is the exchange platform, however they change names quickly. I invested over $80,000 and made a profit of $750,000.