HF Markets。向 HF Markets 發送投訴的日期:2021 年 3 月 12 日 今天日期:2022 年 6 月 24 日 親愛的 hf 市場:我向您發送這封電子郵件是為了抱怨將您的業務暴露給伊朗并針對伊朗實施制裁,這導致您奇怪的行為。導致我和我的客戶蒙受重大損失的不當行為。您對我的損失負有責任的部分是: 1 - 通過突然增加傭金和點差,您開設我的帳戶只是為了最大化您的傭金,這是一種嚴重的欺詐行為。 2- 您多次未能向我提供實時證券價格,更糟糕的是,您根據您的不真實估計價格出售了我的一些持股/頭寸,然后發現與實際價格相去甚遠。由于這些股票從未以您進行交易的價格達到。您絕對要對由此造成的損失負責。 3 - 通過不允許對沖我的頭寸,你拿走了你必須提供給我的所有工具來阻止損失。如果您遵守制裁伊朗的規定,您不必在我們活躍的交易中切斷我們,并使我們蒙受巨大損失。美國、歐盟和其他地方的當局實施制裁和限制。違反制裁的處罰很嚴厲。所有與伊朗進行貿易的公司或向伊朗境內的自然人付款或從其收款的公司都將受到這些處罰。我有權收到您因不遵守規則而傷害我和我的客戶的所有錢 我希望收回的確切金額是..... 很長一段時間后,沒有對我采取任何行動抗議特此通知您,如果您不解決此問題,我將向適當的消費者機構以及 FINRA、美國、歐盟的當局、您的基地國家提出投訴,并考慮我的合法替代方案我的 hf:977447

about exposing hf market business to Iran
HF markets Date of sending the complaint to hf markets: March 12th, 2021 Date Today : Jun 24th,2022 Dear hf markets: I'm sending you this email to complain about exposing your business to Iran and against Iran imposed sanctions, that resulted your weird behaviors. The misconducting that caused me and my client' heavy losses. The parts that you are held liable for my losses are : 1 - By suddenly increasing the commissions and spreads , you made my account solely for the purpose of maximizing your commissions, which is a serious fraud. 2- You failed several times to provide me with the real-time securities prices, and to the worse, you sold some of my holdings/positions based on your unreal estimated prices which then found out to be far from the real prices. As those stocks were never reached at the prices that you made the transactions upon. You are definitely liable for the losses that resulted. 3 - By not allowing to hedge my positions, you took away all the tools that you had to make available to me to stop the losses. If you were complying with the regulations on sanctions against Iran, you didn't have to cut us off in the middle of our active transactions, and to make us huge losses. Sanctions and restrictions are imposed by authorities in the US, EU and elsewhere. The penalties for breaching sanctions are severe. All companies which trade with Iran or which make or receive payments to or from natural persons in Iran are subject to those penalties. I'm entitled to receive all the money that That you have harmed me and my client by not following the rules The exact amount that I expect to get back is ..... After a very long time, no action was taken against my protest Hereby I notify you, if you do not resolve this I will file complaints with the appropriate consumer agencies , as well as with FINRA , with authorities in the US, EU , with your base country and consider my legal alternatives My hf :977447