Kovie 拒絕我訪問我的帳戶
遠離,這是一個騙局。我在 Kovie 存款沒有問題,但是當我要求提款時,他們任意禁止了我的賬戶。盡管我已經向他們提供了激活我的帳戶所需的所有信息,但他們仍然持有我的錢。即使我現在拿回了我的錢,我也只能在聘請 Assetsclaimback 法律專家 Kovie 之后才能做到這一點。在沒有給出任何理由的情況下突然決定阻止我的帳戶是欺詐行為。

Kovie deny me access to my account
Keep away, It is a con. I had no issues depositing money with Kovie, but when I requested a withdrawal, they arbitrarily banned my account. They were still holding onto my money despite the fact that I had given them all the information they needed to activate my account. Even though I now have my money back, I was only able to do so after hiring Assetsclaimback Legal Expert, Kovie. It is fraudulent to suddenly decide to block my account without giving any justification.