這個網站是一個意在偷你錢的欺詐網站。我在Kovie全球投資了83,000美元,并在3 個月的交易中獲利,但當他們阻止我退出我的帳戶時,他們全力以赴將其撤下,在這種情況下,fintrack/org 取回了我70%的資金,這里的大外賣是學習如何交易自己并在演示平臺上進行足夠的練習以避免損失實際資金

Careful with this company
This website is a fraudulent one willing to steal your money. I invested usd 83,000 with Kovie global over the course of 3 months and made profits but went all out to take them down when they blocked me out of my account In which case fintrack/ org only made a retrieval of 70% of our funds The big takeout here is to learn how to trade yourself and practice enough on demo platforms to avoid losing actual money