我在2月向FITBELA投資了98,000美元。他們讓我覺得我是做出決定的人,市場看起來很不錯,我的錢翻了一番。我要求提取100000美元,我半夜起床,資金還在。早上我收到一封電子郵件,說我資金不足,無法提取我的任何資金。他們說我一夜之間虧本平倉了所有頭寸。很高興我能在所有這些麻煩中幸存下來,Fitbela 是不可信任的,他們是操縱者

FITBELA is a scam
I invested $98,000 to FITBELA in Feb . They made me feel like I was the one making all the decision, The market was looking positive And my money was doubled. I asked to withdraw $100000, I got up during the night and the funds were still there. In the morning I was sent an email that said I had insufficient funds and couldn't withdraw any of my funds.They said that I'd closed all the positions at a loss over night. Glad i survive all this hassle Fitbela cannot be trusted they are manipulator