Kovie 只擅長詐騙
當我在Kovie投資時,我的錢被扣了,沒有人告訴我會發生什么!我從來沒有遇到過更糟糕的客戶服務。他們要求額外的捐款來擴大我的投資組合,但我沒有賭錢,所以我要求適度提取我的收入。即使我所有的文書工作都井井有條,錄音仍然不受影響。與這家企業保持距離,因為它沒有規定,也不關心任何人,尤其是 Kovie。

Kovie is only good at scamming
My money was held when I invested in Kovie without anyone informing me of what to anticipate! I've never received worse customer service. They requested additional contributions to expand my portfolio, but I was out of betting money so I requested a modest withdrawal of my earnings. Even if all of my paperwork was in order, the recording remained unaffected. Keep your distance from this business because it has no regulations and doesn't care about anyone, especially Kovie.