不要卷入其中。一位中國女士琳達通過WhatsApp聯系我要買一只貓。我們開始聊起食物、高爾夫、瑜伽,然后開始推銷,她要我投資2000美元,我拒絕了,我從300美元開始,然后在USDvsETH上輸掉了,我又投資了150美元,然后賺到了12000美元,之后為了取出這筆錢,他們說我必須先支付 20%,而我只能取出450美元,因為這就是我在他們身上投資的全部,現在他們已經鎖定了我的賬戶,所以不能再做任何事情了。

Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning
Don't get involved. A Chinese lady Linda contacted me through WhatsApp to buy a cat. We started chatting about food, golf, yoga then the hard sell started, she wanted me to invest $2K, I refused, I started with $300 & lost that on USDvsETH, I Invested another $150 & turned that into $12K, when I wanted to get this money out they said I had to pay 20% upfront & I could only get my $450 out because that's all I invested with them, now they have locked my account so cannot do anything anymore.