我被這家自稱是LUNO的公司騙了。交易商稱自己為Barry Seibert。我已經投入了R50000 SA的資金。他們說我在獲得批準后應該支付R17000的稅款,直到今天我還沒有從他們那里收到一分錢。我最近在Whatsapp上拉黑了他們所謂的交易商。我需要你的幫助和介入才能拿回我投資的錢。我通過Luno的地址匯款,我的Luno賬戶也被封鎖了。由于我拉黑了交易商,他們又給我發了一封電子郵件,說我應該與他們再次溝通。請參閱我從公司收到的信件的附件。

Promise of Profits after investing
I was scammed by this company claiming to be LUNO company. The Broker calls himself Mr Barry Seibert. I have invested more that R50000 SA money. They said I should pay Tax amount of R17000 after I have been approved till today I have not recieved a cent from them. I have recently blocked their so called broker on Whatsapp. I need your help and intervention to get my money I invested. I was sending money via Luno address ans my Luno account was blocked as well. Since I blocked the broker they have sent me another email to say I should communicate with them again. See attachment of the letters I have from the Company.