LEGO通過拿走我們來之不易的資金并且從不允許我們出金,掠奪了如此多的受害者,尤其是弱勢群體。就在我想出金的時候,我意識到我一直在與一家詐騙公司打交道。我支付了所有要求的費用,但仍然拒絕出金。我深入的研究了LEGO并發現他們不受監管,當 fintrack/org 也收到我的投訴時,他們在我的提款退款成功完成之前透露了同樣的信息。我也在這里讀到了他們如何捕食一些殘疾人。他們是邪惡的,應該在一些毫無戒心的人落入他們的陷阱之前將其拿下。

LEGO is another scam company ,it has been revealed
LEGO have preyed on so many victims most especially vulnerable individuals by taking our hard earned funds and never allowing us to withdraw. it was at the stage when I wanted to withdraw I realized I have been dealing with a scam company. I paid all the fees asked and still denied withdrawal. I ran up a deep research into LEGO and discovered that they are unregulated and when Fintrack/org also received my complaints , they revealed the same before my withdrawal chargeback was done successfully. I have read here as well how they prey on some disable individuals. they are wicked and should be taken down before some unsuspecting individuals fall into their trap.