有些人給我os這家公司做參考,我剛開始交易,我開始用小額投資進行交易,在我進行1200美元左右的大投資之后,可以提取資金,然后我開始交易,我在這個應用程序中賺了很多錢當我的收入目標完成時,我試圖取款,但在他們向我發送客戶支持 whatsapp 手機號碼的郵件后,他們拒絕了我的取款請求 我問他們關于取款的問題,他們說你必須支付 6272 美元的收入稅(20 % 稅)之后,我在谷歌上搜索這家公司,并且在任何地方我都有相同的博客,這家公司正在做騙局,他們不允許提取你的錢,之后我不付任何錢給他們,他們開始給我發短信,比如您在 24 小時內不納稅,您將不得不面對后果,MT5 稅務局將在 10 天內與您聯系印度稅務局將在 10 天內與您聯系,他們會凍結我的帳戶,所以請不要向這家公司付款做文件c如果每個人都對他們提起訴訟,請放心。永遠不要在這家公司交易這是最大的黑公司

fraud broker
some is giving me a reference os this company and i just started trading in this first i start trading with small investment that time can withdraw money after i do big investment like 1200$ and after that i start trading and i earn good money in this app when my earning target is finished i was trying to withdraw money but they rejects my withdrawal request after they send me mail of customer support whatsapp mobile number i ask them questions about withdrawal they said you have to pay 6272$ tax of your income means (20% tax ) after that i search in google about this company and everywhere i got same blog this company is doing scams they don’t allowing to withdraw your money after that I don’t pay any single money them snd they started texting me like if you don’t pay tax in 24 hr you will have to face consequences and MT5 tax bureau contact you in 10 days indian tax bureuo will contact you in 10 days and all and they frizz my account so guy please don’t pay this company and do file case on them if every people file case on them. and never do trade in this company this is biggest fraud company