DollarsMarkets 是騙子而不是真正的經紀人。
他們每天都有更聰明的方法,似乎已經執行了程序和審計。但這只是一個騙局。如果您剛剛創建了一個賬戶,最初您可以像與普通經紀人一樣進行交易。但是,當您獲利並想要提取的資金超過您的存款時,會發生以下情況: - Dollars Market 鎖定您的賬戶,辯稱:“您的賬戶目前正在接受審查,作為涉及多個進行市場濫用的賬戶。” - 幫助台繼續為您的投訴提供良好的服務,但由於上述原因仍然存在。 - 您仍然可以使用 Metratrader 進行交易,但您很可能會遇到追加保證金通知。 - 一周後,您將收到一封電子郵件,內容為:“您的賬戶似乎違反了我們的交易規則,第 8.1 節歸類為‘濫用交易’。因此,您的賬戶已被禁用。” - 您被指控作弊,您的帳戶已被禁用。無法登錄 - 像騙子一樣,電子郵件還提供您在存款價值大於提款價值的情況下提款。但它實際上已經完成了。您開始明白,到目前為止,您只與 Dollarsmarkets 交易,而不是市場。

DollarsMarkets is scammer not real broker.
Every day they have a smarter way and seem to have carried out procedures and audits. But this is just a scam. If you have just created an account, initially you can trade as with a normal broker. However, when you have made a profit and want to withdraw funds greater than the deposit you have made, then what happens is: - Dollars Market locks your account, arguing: "your account is currently under review as part of a larger investigation involving multiple accounts conducting market abuse." - Helpdesk continues to serve your complaint well but persists for the reasons above. - You can still trade with Metratrader but you will most likely experience a margin call. - A week later you will receive an email with the content: "It seems that your account has been found to be in violation of our trading rules, section 8.1 classified under 'Abusive Trading'. As such, your account has been disabled." - You have been accused of cheating and your account has been disabled. Can't login anymore -Act like a swindler, the email also offers you to withdraw on condition that the deposit value is greater than the withdrawal value. But it's actually done. You begin to understand that so far you have only traded with Dollarsmarkets not the market.