我試圖通過這個交易商投資一大筆錢。第一個月確實很成功,但幾個月后,要完成一筆交易變得很難。它與賭場非常相似。他們有能力在拿走你所有的錢后找個借口告訴你。直到AssetsClaimback Advisory讓我放心并確保退款之前,客戶服務無法及時答復,但很高興所有資金都沒有丟失。

Unable to withdraw with SHANGQUAN
I attempted to invest a sizable sum of money through this broker. It was really successful in the first month, but after a few months, it becomes nearly hard to close a typical trade. It is very comparable to a casino. They have the ability to just tell you with an excuse after taking all of your money. Until AssetsClaimback Advisory picked up my ease and assured restoration, customer service was unable to answer promptly but glad all funds was not lost.