我的交易賬戶只能存錢,不能提款!他們要我加入VIP取錢, 并獎勵我$38888USD,轉入我的交易賬戶后,馬上要我支付$300000USD,我覺得這是騙局,我沒有資金,所以我要求提現并從我的賬戶中扣除$38888USD !他們不同意并凍結了我的帳戶。和客服溝通過多次,讓我從銀行轉賬38888美元。我認為這是詐騙。我的交易賬戶有足夠的余額可以扣除。

Unable to withdraw money, frozen account
My trading account can only deposit money, not withdraw money! They want me to join VIP to withdraw money. Reward me $38888USD, transfer it to my trading account, and immediately ask me to pay $300000USD, I feel that this is a scam, and I don't have the funds, so I ask to withdraw and deduct $38888USD from my account! They disagreed and froze my account. I have communicated with customer service many times and asked me to transfer $38888USD from the bank. I think it is cheating. My trading account has enough balance to be deducted.