該交易商的銷售人員使用激進的策略說服我開設了1000美元的小賬戶。然后一個1-1 IB增加了我的賬戶的利率,這鼓勵我存入更多資金并達到6000 元。那時,IB指示我進行大宗交易,這使我的賬戶增長到了70000美元左右。但隨后一個開放符號的修正在一秒鐘之內就把我的賬戶搞砸了。遠離這個交易商。

Lured into high volume trades then burn-out
Saleperson from this broker used aggressive tactics to convince me to open small account of $1000. Then a 1-1 IB grew my account with a promising rate, that encouraged me to deposit more to $6000. At that time, the IB instructed me to open high volume trades, which grew my account to an enormous ~ $70000. But then one correction from an open symbol blew my account in a second. Stay away from this broker.