你好,我收到了一個中國女孩的消息;她開始對我很好。大約一個月后,她開始推動我將資源放入網站 Yabo.mt-crm.com。她說她爸爸在這個協會里,她可以分享內部數據,讓我超過 100% 的到來。起初,我向她表示不,并告訴她這是在地球上許多地區的內部交易和非法行為。她在中國表示不,這是完全合法的,并再次敦促我貢獻一分。 2000 美元。毫無疑問,在 7 天內,這 2000 美元在他們的服務器中變成了 4000 美元。 3 天后,她再次開始推動我做出更多貢獻,她向我保證,我將獲得 200% 的回報。我說不,問讓我拿出一些現金,她說不應該多捐,因為她叔叔過幾天就要辭職,我又捐了大約 2500 美元,然后他們又給了我 150% 的回報。這筆錢和我的工資將變成 9000 美元左右(因為他們在我之前的 4000 美元上給了我一些)。這次我試圖從記錄中提取一些現金,在這里他們開始制造不便,并要求我為我的 KYC 支付 2000 美元。我又給了 2000 美元,現在我的雅博賬戶里只有 11000 美元。事實上,即使在這次 KYC 之后,他們也不允許我收回我的現金并要求支付 3000 美元的稅款。這些先生是騙子,并使用女士作為他們的交易專家。我想通過網絡犯罪單元向他們發出反對意見,因此他們的網站和服務器不應該在印度這里工作,任何人都不應該像我一樣處于困境。

it's a SCAM and I am unable to withdraw my money.
Hi, I received a message from a Chinese Girl; she begins getting cordial with me. In something like a month, she begins pushing me to put resources into a Website Yabo.mt-crm.com. She said her dad is in this Association and she can share inside data and get me an arrival of over 100 percent. At first, I expressed no to her and told her this is inside exchanging and unlawful in many regions of the planet. She expressed no here in China it is entirely legitimate and again pushed me to contribute min. 2000 USD. Without a doubt in 7 days, this 2000 USD become 4000 USD yet in their servers. In 3 days she again begins pushing me to contribute more and she guarantees me that I will get an arrival of 200%. I said no and ask let me pull out some cash yet she said no ought to contribute more as her uncle will resign in a couple of days, I contributed around 2500 USD once more and afterward they provided me with one more return of 150% on this sum and my pay will become around 9000 USD(as they gave me some on my prior 4000 USD). This time I attempted to pull a few cash from the record and here they begin making inconvenience and asking me for 2000 USD for my KYC. I gave another 2000 USD and presently it's just about 11000 USD in my Yabo account. Indeed, even after this KYC they again didn't permit me to pull back my cash and requesting to pay an expense of 3000 USD as a Tax. These gentlemen are cheats and use ladies as their deals specialists. I'm wanting to send off an objection against them with the Cybercrime cell so their site and server shouldn't work here in India and individuals ought not be in a difficult situation like me.