請遠離 Helius Capital平臺。 Helius Capital平臺是假平臺。他們在騙取客戶的錢。在平臺上存款非常容易,但無法取款。我只提過一次錢 Helius Capital當我的帳戶是 220 千美元時,只有一千美元。在我在 helius 賬戶上的資金增長到 591,557.35 美元之后,我想提款, Helius Capital要求我支付風險基金。他們說我的賬號涉嫌在平臺上非法運營牟利。 Helius Capital支持告訴我支付118,779.47 usdt用于驗證風控資金,并說我的賬戶可以恢復正常狀態。在我付款后,helius fx 客戶經理給我發了一封確認信,說客戶的賬戶已經恢復到正常的提款狀態。然而,當我一天后申請提款時,他們說我必須用 81,317.5 美元支付個人收入 22% 的稅。在逼我成功繳納個人所得稅后, Helius Capital有一封信確認我可以正常退出。不過,當我申請提款時, Helius Capital讓我編輯我的身份證。然后他們說, Helius Capital '系統無法識別我的真實身份,所以我無法取款。 helius 要求我額外支付 210,000 美元,以驗證我的真實身份。我沒有接受這樣無理的要求。現在 Helius Capital阻止我進入他們的平臺。原來,官網 Helius Capital在我繳納所得稅后無法訪問。 helius 客戶說 Helius Capital網站系統正在恢復,讓我通過用戶信息進入他們的平臺。但現在,我甚至無法聯系 Helius Capital'客戶服務。我在 helius 帳戶中總共損失了 591,557.35 美元,以及 200,000 美元的風險控制基金和個人所得稅,但他們說 helius 系統不承認我。

Unable to withdraw
Please stay away from the Helius Capital platform. Helius Capital platform is a fake platform. They are defrauding customers of their money. Deposits on the platform was very easy, but withdrawals was not possible. I only one time withdrew money from Helius Capital with only one thousand when my account was $220 thounsands USD. After my money on the Helius account grew to $591,557.35USD and I wanted to withdraw money, Helius Capital asked me to pay the risked fund. They said my account was suspected of illegally operating on the platform for profit. Helius Capital's support told me to pay 118,779.47 USDT for verifying the risk control fund, and said that my account can be restored to its normal state. After my payment, Helius FX Account Manager sent me a confirmation letter saying that the customer's account had been restored to normal withdrawal status. Still, when I applied for withdrawal money one day later, they said I had to pay for personal income 22% tax with 81,317.5 USDT. after forcing me to pay personal income tax successfully, Helius Capital had a letter confirming that I could withdraw normally. Still, when I applied for withdrawal, Helius Capital asked me to edit my ID. and then they said, the Helius Capital' system did not recognise my real identity, so I could not withdraw money. Helius asked me to pay an additional $210,000 USDT to verify my real identity. I did not accept such an unreasonable request. and now Helius Capital blocked me from their platform. Originally, the official website of Helius Capital was inaccessible after I paid for my income tax. Helius customer said that the Helius Capital website system was being restored and let me enter their platform via user info. But now, I cannot even contact Helius Capital'customer service. I lost a total of $591,557.35 USD in the Helius account and $200,000USDT in risk ontrol fund and personal income tax, but they said the Helius system didnot recognise me.