我沒有從emporiumcapital收到 32K。它是一個非常可怕的交易商。
我沒有從emporiumcapital收到 32K,它是一個非常可怕的交易商。我的經理欺騙了我,覬覦客戶的定金,他們的交易是為了 B-book。他們關閉了我的客戶賬戶和交易賬戶。所以我的客戶端頁面無法顯示

I didn't receive 32K from emporiumcapital. its a very dangerous broker.
I didn't receive 32K from emporiumcapital its a very dangerous broker. My manager cheated on me and coveted the deposit of customers and their deal is for B-book. and they closed my client account and trading accounts. so i can't show from client page