像 Wintersnow 這樣的公司可以經營并繼續說服人們掏錢是令人遺憾的。即使在我出金之后,他們也一直要求我要更多的錢,所以我保留了下面被拒絕的 Wintersnow 出金的證據,以及我選擇的成功出金選項。基于此,我希望有抱負的投資者向我學習并遠離winterSnow Forex,因為他們肯定會讓你失望

Wrong choice of investment
It is a crying shame that companies like Wintersnow can operate and continue to sweet talk people out of their money. They kept asking me for more money even after i was supposed to withdraw so i kept an evidence of the rejected wintersnow withdrawal below as well as the successful withdrawal option i opted for. On the grounds of this, i want aspiring investors to learn from me and cut all ties with wintersnow forex as they are certain to fail you