我的帳戶很方便地坐了70,000多,只是為了減少到5,000美元,但他們再次打電話給我,說服我增加更多的錢。后來我要求退出,但被某人取消了 Helius Capital有以下證據,我提出了投訴并恢復了提款訪問權限 該交易商是騙子,不值得任何形式的評級

I have no kind words for this broker
My account was sitting conveniently over 70,000 only for it to be reduced to $5,000 and yet they called me over again convincing me to add more money. Later on i requested for withdrawal but it was cancelled by someone in Helius capital with proof below i filed a complaint and withdrawal access restored This broker is a liar and do not deserve any form of rating