6月17日,我在我的賬戶 (6007482) 中存了 6000 美元。然后我得到了4700美元的利潤,但是當我想提款時,我被告知只能提取本金而不能提取利潤。我的交易過程沒有任何問題,但他們直接封鎖了我的賬戶。我抱怨這個平臺是一個黑平臺。遠離這個騙局。

I refused to give up
On June 17, I deposited 6000 USD in my account (6007482). Then I got a $4700 profit, but when I want to withdraw I was told only can withdraw the principal but not the profit. I did not have any problems with my trading process, but they directly blocked my account. I complain that the platform is a black platform. stay away from this scam.