我無法提取 620 萬美元的資金(無法提取和詐騙)
我已將 5000 美元存到Royal Tungsten的錢包。我通過幾天的剝頭皮交易獲得了很多利潤,達到了 620 萬美元 (usd) Royal Tungsten指出我的交易過于頻繁和暴力。所以他們凍結了我的帳戶進行調查。我知道他們做調查。但是我一直告訴他們我沒有違規。交易時有一些滑點,但我自己使用手機進行交易。經過調查,他們告訴我我不正常并且進行了非法交易。但是,他們沒有回答我交易非法的正當理由。他們指出了太多利潤豐厚的交易。為了取款,他們告訴我再存入 10% 的資金(62 萬美元),這聽起來像是騙局。我真的很懷疑是否 Royal Tungsten是否合法。他們沒有公司電話線,也沒有回復任何電子郵件。 (除非您添加電報,否則您基本上無法聯系到客戶服務)我今天收到的電子郵件,甚至不是官方電子郵件要求我支付5%的存款來解凍帳戶。看起來他們一直想釣我。你不應該向我存錢 Royal Tungsten.他們沒有安全保障。

I can't withdraw funds of 6.2 Million dollars (unable to withdraw & Scam)
I have deposited $5000 dollars (USD) in to Royal tungsten's wallet. I made lots of profits through scalping trading for few days and reached up to 6.2 Million Dollars (USD) Royal tungsten pointed out my trading is too frequent and violent. so they freeze my account for investigation. I understood they do investigation. However I kept telling them I didn't commit violation. There was some slippage while trading but I did trades myself using mobile phone.After investigation they told me I am abnormal and did illegal transaction. However, they didn't answer me valid reason why my tradings are illegal. They point out too many tradings with good profits. In order to withdraw money, they told me to make another deposit 10% of funds (620K dollar) that sounds like scam. I am really doubtful if Royal Tungsten is legit or not. They do not have company phone line and they do not answer any email. ( you can't basically reach to customer service unless you add them telegram)The email I received today, it is not even official email that requested me to make 5% deposit to unfreeze account. Looks like they keep trying to fishing me.You should not make any deposit to Royal Tungsten. They are not secured.