進行的所有商業交易。當天她告訴我,我可以償還貸款并保留我的利潤來還清貸款。當我試著還貸款時,他們(Leobor)說我必須從 Leobor 賬戶以外的其他貸款中支付,否則我無法操作我的賬戶(提取任何資金)。我從一家利率非常高的貸款公司借了 15 天的錢,然后我向 Leobor償還了10萬美金的貸款。他們說現在我可以從我的帳戶中提取資金。當我試圖取出時,他們拒絕了,說我沒有向國稅局繳稅。他們給我發了一個加密地址 {USDT / ETH 稅務地址:ERC20; 0x56ec3baA97590fCBc2a73A4B88B4D6400bc7} 向國稅局繳稅。他們威脅說,如果我不繳稅,國稅局將在 7 天內逮捕我。我與國稅局溝通后,國稅局的人告訴我說這是一個騙局,并建議我不要付款。

During withdraw they show new issues like tax issu
Dear Sir, I am writing to this email as a victim of the situation. Due to COVID 19 I lost my business, besides I borrowed huge loans from friends and banks. I am trying to overcome this situation and pay off my loan as early as possible. One of my friend introduced his friend to start online trading. I listen to her. I started a business and she taught me how to trade and all the business staff. First few days my investment was almost double and she told me to take money and deposit it in my bank and lead a regular lifestyle. She plans for me to invest more investment and pay off my loan. I listen to her and trust her. So she advised me to borrow a 100K loan from Leobor. Please note that all business trades I did with Leobor only. She told me the same day you can repay the loan and keep my profit to pay off the loan. When I tried to repay the loan then they said (Leobor) I have to pay from a different loan other than Leobor account. Otherwise I can’t operate (withdraw any funds) my account. I borrowed money from a lending company which has a very high interest rate for 15 days and I paid a 100K loan to Leobor. They said now I can withdraw money from my account. When I tried to withdraw, they rejected me as I have not paid taxes to the IRS. They sent me a crypto address {USDT / ETH tax address : ERC20; 0x56ec3baA97590fCBc2a73A4B88B4D6400bc7} to pay the tax to the IRS. They threatened that the IRS will arrest me within 7 days if I don't pay the tax. I communicated with the IRS and they said it's a scam and advised me not to pay.