即使我已經納稅了,但仍然無法提取我的錢。 我的交易賬戶被停了,根據客服說,因為我賬戶里收到了第三方打來的 98,000 美元的比特幣。 在這里,(反洗錢政策無效了,但有恢復了。如果我仍然取錢。必須將10%的投資存入我的賬戶,但我拒絕這樣做,因為我不再需要它們了。

They refused to let me withdraw
I'm still unable to withdraw my money even after paying taxes. My trading account was suspended, according to customer service, because I received a deposit of $98,000 Bitcoin from a third party. Here, (the anti-money laundering policy was broken but returned. If I still wanted to withdraw, I had to put in 10% of investment into my account but i refused to do so cause i don’t need them any more.