2022-09-14 12:18China
Unable to withdraw

FX2428149124Solved after user's confirmation
2022-10-03 12:03China
2022-09-15 15:21
尊敬的IEXS用戶: 您好!本次客訴事件已由IEXS盈十證券交易部门、合規部门、交易審查部门联合核查。 目前該賬戶正在審核過程中,因此暫停了其使用權限及交易服務,相關情況已在第一時間告知該客戶且客戶已知曉,将由合規部门进行跟进。 最新審查進度,官方會以邮件方式向該客戶及時通知 感謝您的來信,如有任何疑問,請繼續聯繫我們! 客服電話: 400 842 4229; 客服郵箱:support@iexs.com訪問官網:www.iexs.org 感謝您的支持 祝您交易愉快!

WikiFX Overseas Customer ServiceContact Broker
2022-09-15 16:56China Hong Kong
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WikiFX Mediation CenterVerified
2022-09-15 14:17China Hong Kong
FX2428149124Start Mediation
2022-09-14 12:18China
Start Mediation
I made a crude oil short order at their house on the 24th. I know that the profit and cash withdrawal have not come out since September 7, and I have no idea when I communicated with them. I directly sent me a violation email. I don’t know where I violated the rules. Is it a loss? Is it illegal to make money without breaking the rules? Now I seriously suspect that their family did not put my order on the market and they lost money on their own gambling, so they refused to withdraw the money.

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